Echocardiography (Echo)

Echocardiography is an ultrasound examination of the heart. It is sometimes referred to as a cardiac ECHO or just an ECHO. Echocardiography is the process of taking images of the heart as well as information on how well blood is circulating.

Stress Echocardiography (Stress Echo)

A stress echocardiography, also called an echocardiography stress test or stress echo, is a procedure that determines how well your heart and blood vessels are working. During a stress echocardiography, you’ll exercise on a treadmill or stationary bike while your doctor monitors your blood pressure and heart rhythm.

Exercise Stress Test (GXT)

Exercise electrocardiogram (Stress test) An exercise electrocardiogram (ECG) records your heart’s response to the stress of exercise. An exercise ECG measures your heart’s electrical activity, blood pressure and heart rate while you exercise, usually by walking on a treadmill.

Holter Monitor (24, 48, 72 Hours)

A Holter monitor is a continuous tape recording of a patient’s EKG for 48 hours. Since it can be worn during the patient’s regular daily activities, it helps the physician correlate symptoms of dizziness, palpitations (a sensation of fast or irregular heart rhythm) or black outs.

Continuous Holter Monitoring (1, 2 Weeks)

A Holter monitor is a small, wearable device that records the heart’s rhythm. It’s used to detect or determine the risk of irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias).

A Holter monitor test may be done if a traditional electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) doesn’t provide enough details about the heart’s condition. If the irregular heartbeats are infrequent, a longer-term monitor called an event recorder may be needed.

Some personal devices, such as smartwatches, offer electrocardiogram monitoring. Ask your health care provider if this is an option for you.

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor (24 Hours)

Not OHIP covered. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) measures blood pressure at regular intervals. It is believed to be able to reduce the white coat hypertension effect in which a patient’s blood pressure is elevated during the examination process due to nervousness and anxiety caused by being in a clinical setting. Out-of-office measurements are highly recommended as an adjunct to office measurements by almost all hypertension organizations.

Cardiologists are doctors who have extra education and training in preventing, diagnosing and treating heart conditions. They are experts on the heart muscle itself and the arteries and veins that carry blood.
There are three main types of cardiology: invasive, non-invasive, and interventional. Your cardiologist may use one or a combination of techniques to identify and treat your heart condition.
Image result for Cardiology Cardiologists go on to specialise in medicine, whereas cardiac surgeons focus on surgery. As they specialize further, they specialize in different age groups, conditions, and diseases.